Gas Combustion Toolbox is a fully featured calculator that allows to:
- calculate either gas flow or heat power of natural and LPG reference gases.
- compare two different gases calculations either by considering the density ratio or the same power
- calculate the air flow necessary to combust a given gas flow
- calculate corresponding combustion parameters as CO2%, O2%, lambda.
- calculate gas injector diameter or gas pressure drop
- calculate the equivalent diameter of multiple gas injectors
- calculations are based on UI or Imperial units (selectable)
Pro version has the following additional features:
- 37 natural and LPG gases are available (comprising limit gases)
- the altitude influence on combustion is automatically calculated
- additional custom gases can be added giving their composition; they can be saved allowing to build your own gas database. The new gas characteristics (density, low and high calorific value and wobbe index are automatically calculated)